Casa Gomis, El Prat de Llobregat, 2019. © Iker Gil.
The series features exhibitions, art installations, talks, book launches, and the third exploration of the Art Institute of Chicago museum archives.
The events will take place in different venues across Chicago as well as in Plano, Illinois, and Barcelona, Spain. We are happy to collaborate with Espai Serrahima, the Farnsworth House, the Graham Foundation, IIT College of Architecture, the Instituto Cervantes of Chicago, Lawrence & Clark, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Ryerson & Burnham Libraries at the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Society of Architectural Historians.
We are also happy to be a partner organization of the 2019 Chicago Architecture Biennial that will take place between September 19, 2019, and January 5, 2020.
Looking forward to seeing you this fall!
Tuesday, August 27 – (INFO)
Lecture by 300.000 km/s and David Schalliol
“Cartography and Photography: Revealing Global Metropolises”
Hosted by Espai Serrahima, Barcelona
September 17–October 30 – (INFO)
Exhibition featuring 300.000 km/s and David Schalliol
“Nocturnal Landscapes: Urban Flows of Global Metropolises”
Co-organized and hosted by the Instituto Cervantes of Chicago
Wednesday, September 25 – (VIDEO)
Exhibition opening and lecture by 300.000 km/s and David Schalliol
“Nocturnal Landscapes: Urban Flows of Global Metropolises”
Hosted by the Instituto Cervantes of Chicago
October 11–October 13 – (VIDEO)
Art installation by Luftwerk in collaboration with Iker Gil
“Geometry of Light: Farnsworth House”
Co-organized with the Farnsworth House and the National Trust for Historic Preservation
October 12–October 26 – (INFO)
“La Ricarda: An Architectural and Cultural Project”
Hosted by Lawrence & Clark
Monday, October 14 – (VIDEO)
Lecture by Marita Gomis
“La Ricarda: An Architectural and Cultural Project”
Hosted by the Graham Foundation
Thursday, October 17 – (VIDEO)
Lecture and book launches by Joshua G. Stein and Paulette Singley with a response by Sam Jacob
“Trajan’s Hollow / How to Read Architecture”
Hosted by the Society of Architectural Historians
Wednesday, October 30 – (VIDEO)
Lecture and book launch by Clive Wilkinson
“The Theatre of Work”
Hosted and co-organized by IIT College of Architecture
Saturday, November 9 – (INFO)
Tracing / Traces: Architecture and the Archive 2019
Featuring Kelly Bair, Gia Biagi, Judith De Jong, Joshua G. Stein, and Dan Wheeler
Hosted by The Art Institute of Chicago, Ryerson and Burnham Libraries
All the talks are open to the public. MAS Context is supported in part by private donations. For information about how to support MAS Context, please visit: