MAS Context will be be exhibited among the selection of architectural magazines, and editor in chief Iker Gil will take part in the “ARCHIZINES LIVE: Symposium on Publishing Practices” event taking place this Friday and Saturday.
This show is designed by \ / | < | \ | (Giancarlo Valle, Isaiah King, Ryan Neiheiser) and draws inspiration from the quintessential New York model of publication display - the newsstand - and turns it on its side. Instead of a vertical, 2-dimensional billboard, the show offers a horizontal, 3-dimensional field of objects: 80 architecture publications displayed on delicate metal rods, which sprout from the floor. The exhibition evacuates all other content from the space, creating an information vacuum that focuses the visitor's attention on the objects themselves: 80 architecture magazines, fanzines and journals from over 20 countries that provide new platforms for commentary, criticism and research into the spaces we inhabit and the practice of architecture. To more information about the exhibition, please visit their website.