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Most read articles in 2020

December 30, 2020

As we close 2020, we want to share the ten most read articles of the year. We are happy to see that articles and issues that were published years ago continue to resonate and be relevant in today’s context.

Mas issue debate room at the top 05

© Courtesy of VSBA.

Room at the Top? Sexism and the Star System in Architecture
Denise Scott Brown
Debate issue

Bilbao’s Strategic Evolution: The Metamorphosis of the Industrial City
Ibon Areso
Bilbao issue

Living in Cabrini
James Lockhart
Living issue

The Potential of Nothing
Lawrence Abrahamson
Boundary issue

Template for a Cooperative Network of Small Architecture Practices
Gabriel Cira, Peggy Deamer, Ashton Hamm, James Heard, Will Martin, Quilian Riano, Shawhin Roudbari, and Christian Rutherford
Observations section

Comics and Architecture, Comics in Architecture: A (not so) short recount of the interactions between architecture and graphic narrative
Koldo Lus Arana
Narrative issue

Case Study #4 | The Whale
Frits van Dongen, de Architekten Cie.
Living issue

The Available City
David Brown
BOLD issue

The Arsenal of Inclusion and Exclusion
Interboro Partners
Boundary issue

Case Study # 1 | Nakagin Capsule Tower
Kisho Kurokawa architect & associates
Living issue

Thank you very much for reading MAS Context and our best wishes to all of you for 2021.