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Despina Stratigakos


Architecture Professor Despina Stratigakos is an internationally recognized scholar of diversity and equity in architecture. Her books, including A Women’s Berlin: Building the Modern City (University of Minnesota Press, 2008), Hitler at Home (Yale University Press, 2015), and Where Are the Women Architects? (Princeton University Press, 2016), explore the intersections of power and architecture. She has published extensively on barriers to equity and diversity in the building professions, including stereotypical representations of architects in history books, the lack of diversity among elite architecture prize winners, and the absence of female architects and architects of color in Hollywood films. She has served as Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence since 2018, focusing on the University at Buffalo’s efforts to create a culture of inclusive excellence and enhance diversity, equity and inclusion across the campus community. She also serves as chair of the Inclusive Excellence Leadership and Advisory Council.
