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Ecosistema Urbano


Ecosistema Urbano was founded in 2000 in Madrid by architects Belinda Tato and Jose Luis Vallejo, and specializes in architecture, public space design, urban consultancy, and urban transformation processes. Their work has developed around the design of public space focusing on the improvement of bioclimatic conditions in contexts and climates as diverse as Norway, Florida or Bahrain. In parallel, Ecosistema Urbano has been developing participatory tools and techniques to involve citizens in the creative and transforming processes of urban environments. Their work has been exhibited in galleries and museums and covered by press around the world, garnering numerous awards. The founding partners have led workshops, lectured, and taught at the most prestigious institutions worldwide, including working as professors at the Harvard Graduate School of Design since 2010.


Mas issue energy ecoboulevard vallecas 01


Case Study #1: Ecoboulevard Vallecas

Project by Ecosistema Urbano