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Iker Gil


Iker Gil is a founding partner at MAS Studio, editor in chief of the nonprofit MAS Context, and executive director of the SOM Foundation. Iker has edited or coedited several books including Radical Logic: On the Work of Ensamble Studio and Shanghai Transforming. He has curated multiple exhibitions including Nocturnal Landscapes, Poured Architecture: Sergio Prego on Miguel Fisac, and BOLD: Alternative Scenarios for Chicago, part of the inaugural Chicago Architecture Biennial. He was Associate Curator of the US Pavilion for the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale and cocurator of Exhibit Columbus 2020–2021. He was the 2024 Morgenstern Visiting Chairs at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) and has taught at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), and the Escola da Cidade (São Paulo).


Mas issue information cover opening


Meaningful Information

Issue introduction by Iker Gil, editor in chief of MAS Context

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Intuitive Design

Andrew Clark and Iker Gil interview Naoto Fukasawa on the occasion of his lecture and exhibition in Chicago hosted by Luminaire

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Making Visible the Invisible

Iker Gil interviews interactive media artist George Legrady

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Information and the Reluctant Image

Iker Gil interviews artist Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle

Mas issue amusement cover opening


Unlike Queen Victoria, We Are Amused

Issue introduction by Iker Gil, editor in chief of MAS Context

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Audience as Participants

Architect Iker Gil interviews Matt Clark, co-founder and creative director of United Visual Artists

Mas issue energy cover opening


Entering the Second Year with more Energy

Issue introduction by Iker Gil, editor in chief of MAS Context

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(As) American (As) Power

Iker Gil and Andrew Clark interview photographer Mitch Epstein, author of American Power

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Power Move

Iker Gil interviews Elizabeth Redmond, founder and president of POWERleap

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Selling Lifestyle

Iker Gil interviews Eric Bricker, director and producer of Visual Acoustics, a film that celebrates the life and career of Julius Shulman

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Living in Cabrini

James Lockhart, a former resident of Cabrini Green, shares his memories with Iker Gil about growing up in the Chicago Public Housing.

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Layoff Moveon

Iker Gil interviews Jessica Lybeck

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Designing Venues

Iker Gil interviews Doug Garofalo

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CDF 2011 proposal

Architects Sharon Haar and Iker Gil propose the first Chicago Design Festival

Mas issue more cover opening


Mas Is More

Issue introduction by Iker Gil, editor in chief of MAS Context

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Jason = More

Iker Gil interviews Jason Pickleman

Mas issue university works cover opening


Spanning Lines of Longitude and Latitude

Essay by Iker Gil and Andrew Clark, editors of MAS Context University Works

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Discussing University Works

A conversation between Andrew Clark, Judith De Jong, Alexander Eisenschimdt, Iker Gil, Jimenez Lai, Paul Preissner, Juan Manuel Rois, and Karla Sierralta