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Patricia Sanz Lacarra


Patricia Sanz Lacarra received her architectural degree from the School of Engineering and Architecture at the University of Zaragoza in 2015. Her graduate thesis was entitled “La Alhóndiga de Bilbao (1987-1990). Arquitectura no construida de Jorge Oteiza.” As part of the ERASMUS program, she studied at the Faculdade de Arquitetura de la Universidade Técnica de Lisboa between 2013 and 2014. In 2016, she received her Master of Architecture from the University of Zaragoza. Since 2016, she has worked as a design architect at TheLeisureWay in Zaragoza.


Mas issue bilbao the alhondiga cultural center 01


The Alhóndiga Cultural Center and Other Architectural Dreams

Essay by Patricia Sanz Lacarra and Lucía C. Pérez-Moreno