Geometry of Light fundraising event. © Sean Gallero.
During the event, Petra Bachmaier and Iker Gil shared details of their upcoming art installation at the 1929 Barcelona Pavilion designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Lilly Reich. Despite only existing for eight months, it influenced generations of architects and changed the history of the discipline. The pavilion was reconstructed on its own original site in 1986.
Cynthia Vranas, Director of the Mies van der Society, and Michelangelo Sabatino, Dean of the College of Architecture at IIT, shared a few words about Mies van der Rohe and the importance of Geometry of Light.
Cynthia Vranas, Geometry of Light fundraising event. © Sean Gallero.
Michelangelo Sabatino, Geometry of Light fundraising event. © Sean Gallero.
Geometry of Light is an immersive intervention on Mies van der Rohe’s Barcelona Pavilion. Organized by the Fundació Mies van der Rohe and MAS Context, it is envisioned as a contemporary lens for this important masterpiece, the work highlights and expands upon the architectural and material features of this building. This intervention of projected light and sound enlivens and transforms the essential elements of the pavilion. The intervention, to take place between February 10 and February 17 of next year, coincides with the annual Light Festival hosted in Barcelona as well as the Santa Eulalia festivities, connecting this intervention to two major and city-wide celebrations.
In October 2019, to coincide with the Chicago Architecture Biennial, Geometry of Light will be reconfigured for the Farnsworth House, in Plano, Illinois.
We are excited to develop this project in 2019 as it is a significant year for three reasons: It marks the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus, the 90th anniversary of the Barcelona Pavilion, and the 50th anniversary since the passing of Mies van der Rohe.
Geometry of Light identity. © Normal.
Organization: Fundació Mies and MAS Context
Conceptual design: Luftwerk with Iker Gil
Sound design: Oriol Tarragó
Programming: Andy Kauff
Photo documentation: Kate Joyce
Film documentation: Spirit of Space
Identity: Normal
The leading institutional support to the project is provided by the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts and Bosch Power Tools – North America.
The leading individual support is provided by Chuck Thurow.
The project is also supported by:
Paola Aguirre
Leslie Bodenstein
Will Forrest
Joanne Gross
Tom Lee
Ann Lui
Jason Pickleman
Craig Reschke
Mies on Scene, a 57-minute documentary directed by Pep Martín and Xavi Campreciós and produced by the Fundació Mies van der Rohe and Nihao Films, tells the story of the Barcelona Pavilion, a building that changed the history of architecture. Its construction and subsequent reconstruction in two key moments of Barcelona immerse us in a reflection on the perception of art, space and the concept of masterpiece. The 2018 documentary was screened in Chicago for the first time during this event.
Geometry of Light fundraising event. © Sean Gallero.
Geometry of Light fundraising event. © Sean Gallero.
Geometry of Light fundraising event. © Sean Gallero.
Geometry of Light fundraising event. © Sean Gallero.