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Fidel Raso


Fidel Raso received his degree in journalism from the University of the Basque Country. A special correspondent to many international events, he witnessed firsthand the First Gulf War and the fall of the Berlin Wall. He is the author of two books exploring the deindustrialization of Bilbao, Semillas de hierro and Margen Izquierda, and was awarded second prize in the 2014 Spanish National Photojournalism Award for his photograph “Desesperación y huida.” In 2016, he was awarded the prestigious Premio Internacional de Periodismo Cátedra Manu Leguineche.


Mas issue bilbao men of steel in a grey landscape 01

Photo Essay

Men of Steel in a Grey Landscape

Text and photographs by Fidel Raso

Mas observations 2020 el jinete amarillo 44


El Jinete Amarillo

Text by Tamara Crespo and photography by Fidel Raso