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Michael Kubo


Michael Kubo is Assistant Professor in the History and Theory of Architecture at the Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design, University of Houston. He was previously the Wyeth Fellow at the Center For Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art and Associate Curator for the US Pavilion at the 2014 International Architecture Biennale in Venice. He is coauthor of numerous books on twentieth-century architecture and urbanism including Heroic: Concrete Architecture and the New Boston (2015) and OfficeUS Atlas (2015), and is currently preparing a book on The Architects Collaborative and the authorship of the architectural corporation after 1945.


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Pittsburgh as a Project: Reimagining the Modern

Essay by Rami el Samahy, Chris Grimley, and Michael Kubo

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A Heroic Debate

A Heroic Debate by Chris Grimley, Michael Kubo, and Mark Pasnik

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In Context: Michael Kubo

Michael Kubo recontextualizes the MAS Context archives

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Futures: Expo Boston ‘76

Text and chronology by Michael Kubo, Chris Grimley, and Mark Pasnik

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Communicating Through Exhibitions

Our questionnaire to Ariadna Cantis, Elias Redstone, Felipe Chaimovich, Michael Kubo, Mirko Zardini, Pedro Gadanho, Vladimir Belogolovsky, and Zoë Ryan.