MAS Context Fall Talks 2022

A Capsule as a House

October 6, 2022 at 12PM

Online talk by photographer Noritaka Minami and architects fala on the Nakagin Capsule Tower.


Completed in 1972 by the architect Kisho Kurokawa, the Nakagin Capsule Tower was one of the few proposals realized through the architectural movement Metabolism in the 1960s. As a building attached with 140 removable apartment units, it embodied the future of urban living envisioned by Kurokawa at that moment in postwar Japan. Furthermore, the building was a reminder of a future that was never realized in society at large and stood as an architectural anachronism within the city of Tokyo.

During this event, photographer Noritaka Minami discussed his work documenting the capsules for over a decade and Porto-based architects Filipe Magalhães and Ana Luisa Soares of fala discussed their experience living in the Nakagin Capsule Tower. Together, they provided a look at the domestic scale of this iconic building.

This event is related to the exhibition 1972/Accumulations by photographer Noritaka Minami on display at the MAS Context Reading Room between September 22 and December 8, 2022.

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B702, 2012. © Noritaka Minami.

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© fala.

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© fala.

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© fala.

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© fala.

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Filipe Magalhães and Ana Luisa Soares, Nakagin Capsule Tower, Tokyo. © Noritaka Minami.
