
Mas issue conflict cover opening


Issue 10

Image Conflict

Letter by Javier Arbona
Mas issue conflict cover opening

Embrace Your Conflict

Issue introduction by Iker Gil, editor in chief of MAS Context
Mas issue conflict can we still give a damn 01

Under Conflict, Can We Still Give a Damn?

Ethel Baraona Pohl and César Reyes from dpr-barcelona interview Cameron Sinclair, Chief Eternal Optimist and co-founder of Architecture for Humanity
Mas issue conflict under the bridge 01

Under the Bridge

Film and essay by Nora Niasari
Mas issue conflict build simply 01

Build Simply: South of the Border

Essay by architects Alfredo Brillembourg and Hubert Klumpner from Urban-Think Tank with research assistant Daniel Schwartz from ETH
Mas issue conflict the emperors castle 01

The Emperor’s Castle

Project and text by Thomas Hillier
Mas issue conflict prostitution migration urban territory 01

Prostitution, Migration, and Urban Territory

Essay and diagrams by OMNIBUS (Charlotte Malterre Barthes with Valentina Genini)
Mas issue conflict towards open architecture 01

Towards Open Architecture

Essay by Simon Scheithauer
Mas issue conflict great mosques of lake geneva 02

The Great Mosques of Lake Geneva

Essay by architect Mika Savela
Mas issue conflict water shore habitat 01

Water Shore Habitat

Project by David Garcia Studio awarded First Prize in the International Unesco Delta City of the Future competition
Mas issue conflict downtowns will to form 01

Downtown’s Will to Form

Essay by architect and urban designer Alex Lehnerer
Mas issue conflict ww2 bunkers 01

WW2 Bunkers

Photographs by Jonathan Andrew
Mas issue conflict changes are coming 01

Changes are Coming

Vladimir Belogolovsky, architect and founder of the Intercontinental Curational Project, interviews architect and educator Peter Eisenman
Mas issue repetition posconflicto laboratory 01

Posconflicto Laboratory: More and More about Less and Less and Less and Less about More and More

Essay by Roberto Soundy and project by URBANÍSTICA—Empresa Metropolitana de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de la Ciudad de Guatemala and Asociación Centroamericana Taller de Arquitectura (a—c—t—a)
Mas issue character breaking bad 01

Breaking Bad: When Architecture is Turned into a Criminal

Essay by Tania Tovar Torres
Mas issue events embt goes east 01

EMBT Goes East

Mateu Baylina and Xavi Ayala interview Benedetta Tagliabue
Mas issue living survivor maracaibo 01

Survivor Maracaibo

Architects Karla Sierralta and Brian Strawn share their experience living in Maracaibo, where informal inventions address social and economic conditions
Mas issue living places not spaces 01

Places, Not Spaces

Architect and painter Maya Brittain examines the transformation of the Veneto region in Italy during the last thirty years
Mas issue energy lanai networks 01

Lanai Networks

Landscape architect Marcel Wilson explains the history, challenges and opportunities that Lanai Island in Hawaii is facing
Mas issue speed on the quickening of history 01

On the Quickening of History

Essay by Brendan Crain, founder of the Where blog and Communications Manager at Project for Public Spaces
Mas issue visibility infra 11


Photo essay by Richard Mosse
Mas issue visibility the disappearing architect 02

The Disappearing Architect: Four Moves Towards Invisibility

Text by Ya´el Santopinto and Jonathan Wong
Mas issue repetition an obituary for the greek city of repetition 01

An Obituary for the Greek City of Repetition

Essay by Panos Dragonas
Mas issue surveillance what does big brother see while he is watching 01

What Does Big Brother See, While He is Watching? A Look at the Secret Stasi Archives

Iker Gil interviews Simon Menner