
This platform features articles, essays, interviews, reviews, and photo essays about the built environment and the people and conditions that shape it. Since 2022, Observations has also included a monthly column by architectural historian Elizabeth Blasius.

Mas observations 2020 present futures 01


Present Futures: Mechanics of Ethnocratic Colonial Urbanism

Project by Rula Zuhour with photography by Samer Sharif

Mas observations 2020 template for a cooperative network of small architecture practices 01


Template for a Cooperative Network of Small Architecture Practices

Text by the Coop Network Group of The Architecture Lobby

Mas observations 2020 converging at architecture 01


Converging at Architecture: An Interview with Jeanne Gang

Ann Lui interviews Jeanne Gang

Mas observations 2020 bauhaus chicago 01


Bauhaus Chicago: Design in the City

Text by Alison Fisher

Mas observations 2020 practice product protocol 01


Practice, Product, Protocol

Exhibition on the work of Jacob Comerci, Matīss Groskaufmanis, and Eduardo Mediero

Mas observations 2020 visualizing disasters and an ongoing crisis 01


Visualizing Disasters and an Ongoing Crisis

Essay and photographs by Virginia Hanusik

Mas observations 2020 shameless copy 01


Shameless Copy

Texts by LIGA curators and Abilio Guerra

Mas observations 2020 casa chilena 15


Chilean House: Domestic Images

Text by Pablo Brugnoli, Francisco Díaz, and Amarí Peliowski

Mas observations 2020 re enactment 01


Re-enactment: Lilly Reich’s Work Occupies the Barcelona Pavilion

Essay by Laura Martínez de Guereñu

Mas observations 2020 without michael 01


Without Michael

Jonathan Solomon remembers Michael Sorkin

Mas observations 2020 el jinete amarillo 44


El Jinete Amarillo

Text by Tamara Crespo and photography by Fidel Raso

Mas observations 2020 food with a face 01


Food With A Face

Essay by Kathryn Clarke Albright

Mas observations 2020 nivola in new york 01


Nivola in New York | Figure in Field

Text by Steven Hillyer and Roger Broome

Mas observations 2020 twelve cautionary urban tales 01


Twelve Cautionary Urban Tales

Text by Ethel Baraona Pohl

Mas observations 2020 poured architecture sergio prego on miguel fisac 01


Poured Architecture: Sergio Prego on Miguel Fisac

Text by Carlos Copertonee, Patxi Eguiluz, and Iker Gil

Mas observations 2020 on the precious work of brinda somaya 01


On the Precious Work of Brinda Somaya

Text and projects by Brinda Somaya

Mas observations 2020 en medio casa cueva 01


En-Medio: Casa Cueva

Text and interview by Departamento del Distrito (Francisco Quiñones & Nathan Friedman)

Mas observations 2019 the mies project 12


The MIES Project

Michelangelo Sabatino interviews Arina Dähnick

Mas observations 2019 la ricarda a work in progress 01


La Ricarda: A Work in Progress

Essay by Fernando Alvarez and Jordi Roig

Mas observations 2019 memories of la ricarda 11


Memories of La Ricarda: The Gomis Bertrand and Bonet Families Reflect on a Historic House

The Gomis Bertrand family and Victoria Bonet, daughter of the architect Antonio Bonet Castellana, share their memories about the Casa Gomis