
This platform features articles, essays, interviews, reviews, and photo essays about the built environment and the people and conditions that shape it. Since 2022, Observations has also included a monthly column by architectural historian Elizabeth Blasius.

Mas observations 2019 stanley tigerman 1930 2019 01


Stanley Tigerman (1930–2019)

Architects remember Stanley Tigerman

Mas observations 2019 memory card sea power 04


Memory Card Sea Power

Iker Gil interviews David Southwood

Mas observations 2019 pittsburgh as a project reimagining the modern 05


Pittsburgh as a Project: Reimagining the Modern

Essay by Rami el Samahy, Chris Grimley, and Michael Kubo

Mas observations 2019 liminal frontier 01


Liminal Frontier: Climate Adaptation and the American Coast

Essay and photographs by Virginia Hanusik

Mas observations 2019 atlantic city 01


Atlantic City

Iker Gil interviews Brian Rose

Mas observations 2019 en medio super servicio lomas 01


En-Medio: Súper Servicio Lomas

Text and interview by Departamento del Distrito (Francisco Quiñones & Nathan Friedman)

Mas observations 2019 spontaneous uses cover


Spontaneous Uses

Text and drawings by SIAA with photography by Lauro Rocha

Mas observations 2019 barbara kasten 01


Connections: 48 Years

Presentation by Barbara Kasten

Mas observations 2019 a receding coast 01


A Receding Coast

Essay and photographs by Virginia Hanusik

Mas observations 2019 almost perfect 01


Almost Perfect

Iker Gil interviews Luis Mendo and Yuka Martin Mendo

Mas observations 2019 rebel garages 01


Rebel Garages

Essay and policy proposals by Future Firm

Mas observations 2019 visual explorations of our daily environment 01


Visual Explorations of Our Daily Environment

Visualizations by Scott Reinhard

Mas observations 2018 in context katya tylevich 01


In Context: Katya Tylevich

Katya Tylevich recontextualizes the MAS Context archives

Mas observations 2018 in context ross wolfe 01


In Context: Ross Wolfe

Ross Wolfe recontextualizes the MAS Context archives

Mas observations 2018 in context chris berthelsen 01


In Context: Chris Berthelsen

Chris Berthelsen recontextualizes the MAS Context archives

Mas observations 2018 in context leopold lambert 01


In Context: Léopold Lambert

Léopold Lambert recontextualizes the MAS Context archives

Mas issue 2018 in context suzanne strum 01


In Context: Suzanne Strum

Suzanne Strum recontextualizes the MAS Context archives

Mas observations 2018 in context tomas skovgaard 01


In Context: Tomas Skovgaard

Tomas Skovgaard recontextualizes the MAS Context archives

Mas observation 2018 in context martine syms 01


In Context: Martine Syms

Martine Syms recontextualizes the MAS Context archives

Mas observations 2018 in context diego arraigada 01


In Context: Diego Arraigada

Diego Arraigada recontextualizes the MAS Context archives

Mas observations 2018 in context michael kubo 01


In Context: Michael Kubo

Michael Kubo recontextualizes the MAS Context archives

Mas observations 2018 in context brendan crain 01


In Context: Brendan Crain

Brendan Crain recontextualizes the MAS Context archives

Mas observations 2018 in context javier arbona 01


In Context: Javier Arbona

Javier Arbona recontextualizes the MAS Context archives