
Mas issue trace cover opening


Issue 19
Mas issue trace petrified traces 02

Petrified Traces

Text and images by Michael Hirschbichler
Mas issue trace cover opening

Reinterpreting our Traces

Issue statement by Iker Gil, editor in chief of MAS Context
Mas issue trace true love leaves no traces 01

True Love Leaves No Traces

Essay by Daniel Luis Martinez
Mas issue trace the chengzhongcun 04

The Chengzhongcun: Urban Traces of the Village

Essay by John Joseph Burns
Mas issue trace the trace of superusers 18

The Trace of Superusers: From Santiago Centro to Superkilen in Copenhagen

Essay by Kristine Samson and José Abásolo
Mas issue trace letters to the editor 01

Letters to the editor

On our Boundary issue
Mas issue trace a year on the road with venue 01

A Year on the Road with Venue

Iker Gil interviews Geoff Manaugh and Nicola Twilley, directors of Venue
Mas issue trace reading the ephemera of caithness 01

Reading the Ephemera of Caithness

Essay by Dimitra Ntzani and John Barber
Mas issue trace river ending 01

River Ending

Photographs by Sreedeep with an intro text by Kamalini Mukherjee
Mas issue trace kowloon walled city 03

Kowloon Walled City: Heterotopia in a Space of Disappearance

Essay by Matthew Hung with photography by Greg Girard
Mas issue trace embracing idiosyncratic weirdness 01

Embracing Idiosyncratic Weirdness

Iker Gil and Andrew Clark interview Moby
Mas issue trace tracing intentions 01

Tracing Intentions: The Photography of Frank Thiel

Essay by Krishna Bharathi with photography by Frank Thiel
Mas issue trace ruined and neglected 01

Ruined and Neglected

Essay by Ljubica Slavković
Mas issue trace elliston 01

Elliston, Newfoundland

Text and photographs by Lisa Hirmer
Mas issue trace american postmodern 01

American Postmodern

Essay by Jayne Kelley
Mas issue trace personal monuments 08

Personal Monuments

Text and Illustrations by John Pobojewski
Mas issue trace 24 COA 01

24COA: A Visual Score

Project developed as part of the Pen & Bow workshop at Georgia Tech’s College of Architecture led by Andrew Ruff. Visual score interpreted by ETHEL.
Mas issue trace anthropocene basilico smithson matta clark 01

Anthropocene Through the Eyes of Gabriele Basilico, Robert Smithson, and Gordon Matta-Clark

Essay by Enric Llorach
Mas issue trace tracing wright 01

Tracing Wright

A conversation between Richard Wright, Zoë Ryan, and Iker Gil
Mas issue trace dizzy 01


Project by Charlie O’Geen and Frank Fantauzzi. Text by Phreddy Wischusen
Mas issue trace nightworks 04


Project by Dennis Maher
Mas issue trace residential archaeology 09

Residential Archaeology

Text and diagrams by Juan Carlos Tello
Mas issue network traces 01

Network Traces

Photographs by Cecilia Galera and Marc Goodwin
Mas issue surveillance cover opening


Issue 22
Mas issue character breaking bad 01

Breaking Bad: When Architecture is Turned into a Criminal

Essay by Tania Tovar Torres
Mas issue bilbao behind the bilbao effect 01

Behind the Bilbao Effect: An Overnight Success in 20 Years

Essay by Koldo Lus Arana
Mas issue events designing venues 01

Designing Venues

Iker Gil interviews Doug Garofalo
Mas issue energy lanai networks 01

Lanai Networks

Landscape architect Marcel Wilson explains the history, challenges and opportunities that Lanai Island in Hawaii is facing
Mas issue visibility the disappearing architect 02

The Disappearing Architect: Four Moves Towards Invisibility

Text by Ya´el Santopinto and Jonathan Wong
Mas issue visibility i know ive seen the master plan 01

I know I’ve Seen the Master Plan

Text by Charlotte Malterre-Barthes from OMNIBUS with photographs by Lorenz Bürgi
Mas issue repetition we print because we can 01

We Print Because We Can

Essay by Patrick Sykes
Mas issue repetition utopias in the gaps 01

Utopias in the Gaps

Essay by Sergio Lopez-Pineiro with projects by Holes of Matter
Mas issue surveillance in the news 01

Surveillance in the News

A selection of quotes on surveillance from the news.
Mas issue surveillance the street as platform 01

The Street as Platform

Essay by Dan Hill, Executive Director of Futures at the UK’s Future Cities Catapult
Mas issue surveillance materiality of deletion 01

Materiality of Deletion

Essay by Christo de Klerk
Mas issue ordinary can architecture be ordinary 03

Can Architecture Be Ordinary?

Essay by Deborah Fausch
Mas issue hidden seeing triborough 12

Seeing Triborough

Visual essay by Sam Holleran
Mas issue university works discussing university works 01

Discussing University Works

A conversation between Andrew Clark, Judith De Jong, Alexander Eisenschimdt, Iker Gil, Jimenez Lai, Paul Preissner, Juan Manuel Rois, and Karla Sierralta