© Diego Arraigada.
The School of Architecture and Urban Studies is an academic unit within the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella conceived to stimulate, renew, and transmit the knowledge of the theories and practices of architecture and urban studies.
It is a flexible, dynamic and open organism, that tries to capture the quick changes of our times, while reflecting on the values that allow to decide about its convenience, and promote academic actions that contribute to improve the public and private spaces in the country.
Source: utdt.edu/ver_contenido.php?id_contenido=106&id_item_menu=447
Witnessing the inception of a School of Architecture is a unique experience.
The School of Architecture and Urban Studies of the Di Tella University in Buenos Aires is—under the direction of Jorge Francisco Liernur—currently undergoing its birth. Having completed the third year of existence in 2009, the first graduated architects will obtain their diplomas in 2011—after a five-year graduate program. One of the goals of the School is to reinforce the learning of the discipline across all the different courses with the same degree of importance. Design Studio shall not occupy the central core of the school but it is just another -important- class that contributes to the learning of the architectural thinking as the intersection between every course.
Studio, theory and technology courses are taught by outstanding architects and practitioners.
The following selection of projects seeks to provide a cross section sample of some courses that undertake design problems, techniques, and theory from their own perspective. These initial projects of the three first years of the school deal with simple starting points and tasks that achieve complexity through the process.
Nevertheless, the selection for this publication tried to detect the projects (or sequences of short projects) that succeeded to promote discussion about disciplinary issues rather than to arrive to fully developed and known solutions.
Diego Arraigada
Students | Projects
Edita Aurelia Alvarado and María Honoria Perearnau | Triangulation/Ribs
Lucrecia Bakir, Ana Luz Dardik, Chiara Gibertoni, Ines Lobos, Andrea Real, and Florencia Romaniello | Small / Large Inflatables
Maria Luz Crescini and Guido Gastaldi | Computer Models II
Carla Laguzzi, Armando Agustín Negri, Josefina de Paul, María Luz Rodríguez, Ignacio Mussi Tiscornia, and Carolina Wundes | The Room
María Magnasco | A Lot with Little