Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona. © Courtesy of Eduard Bru.
The Architecture education is based on technical, artistic and humanistic disciplines. The taught knowledge in an interrelated way in the different areas is essential to project and build buildings, something it has always been recognized as a characteristic of architects.
The disciplinary fields that lead to and form architecture give way to specific activities with professional acknowledgement. This generic areas are: Projectes, Urbanisme, Teoria, and Tecnologia to which lately Paisatgisme and Disseny have been incorporated.
The project, that constitutes the main part of the architect work is developed in a different way related to the mentioned areas. In a way or another the architect can take part in a project related to a city or to a lamp, going through edification, restoration, town planning, landscape, interior design and the building elements design, urban or interior furniture.
The architect also participates in the construction of a building as work director, manager or collaborator in the productive and construction process.
The architecture studies are structured in five years in order to offer an education of a general character that has been understood essential, proper and specific to start working as such in their different variants.
The European Space of Superior Educations (EEES) establishes a second level of speciality or Pos Grade that will complete the first step of general education.
Source: http://www.etsab.upc.edu/web/frame.htm?i=0&m=escuela&c=escuela.
It is probably a widespread opinion that the ETSAB specially emphasizes the areas of relationship between the projects and the context, especially with the urban context.
If this were true, the selection of projects that we present in this publication would confirm, without premeditation, this hypothesis.
I have to admit that in the last five years, starting with the verification of the failure of the Forum Barcelona 2004 (futile repetition of the formula Olympic Games = big event = urban development) and finishing with the apotheosis of the obscene capitalism, our point of view about architecture developed in an environment of growing isolation.
Times have changed and I hope we can bring back to the architectural conversation that an action transforms and depends on the site, even if the site was in the desert. We knew it regarding the urban context and we will now demonstrate the inhabitable qualities of infrastructures and those they will create.
Yes, we play architecture as a team, but that does not imply any determinism, quite the opposite: it expands the field.
Playing this way is not so strange, although it is difficult: pay attention to how FC Barcelona does it.
Dr. Eduard Bru
Josep Esteve Doladé |
Alejandro Konrad Stöhr |
Ana Quintana Zazurca |
Cecilia Rodríguez Vielba |
Roger Trias Carol |