CDF 2011 proposal
What Kind of Vigilante Are You?
Makin’ It
Turning Point One: 1983 Flooding
Bilbao’s Strategic Evolution: The Metamorphosis of the Industrial City
Architecture Without Idealism (Of A Sort)
More Identities
Cooperative Dream
Building the Symbol of a Remarkable Transformation
EMBT Goes East
Designing Venues
White House 2.0
Narrow Streets Los Angeles
Network Reset
Water Shore Habitat
The Big Shift
Late Entry to the Chicago Public Library Competition
Futures: Expo Boston ‘76
Posconflicto Laboratory: More and More about Less and Less and Less and Less about More and More
On the Search for Spatial Patterns: Repetition as the Crystallization of a Design Method
Utopias in the Gaps
Building Repetition Through History: Motivations And Implications
Abbott H. Thayer’s Vanishing Ducks: Surveillance, Art, and Camouflage
Materiality of Deletion
The Big Shift
Virginia Tech, School of Architecture + Design
Waseda University, Department of Architecture
Richard Haas: An Artist About Architecture
Tracing / Traces: Architecture and the Archive 2022
Verity-Jane Keefe: Operating Between the Cracks
Tracing / Traces: Architecture and the Archive 2018
Couplings 2018
Bilbao issue launch in Chicago
Dingbat 2.0: The Iconic Los Angeles Apartment as Projection of a Metropolis
Couplings 2016
Christopher Marcinkoski: Speculative Urbanization and The City That Never Was
Germane Barnes: Intersect
Michael Kubo: Collective–LOK
A Capsule as a House
The Aesthetic of Transience
Welcome to Tribuneville: An Imaginary Vision of an Old Chicago That Could Have Been
Welcome to Tribuneville Reception
Rebel Garages
This is not the Huarte House
2021 Chicago Women in Architecture Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award: Nancy A. Abshire
Helmut Jahn (1940-2021)
Only Girl Architect Lonely
Cooperative Housing as a Means More Than an End
Contributions of the Basque Exile to Mexican Architecture
Twelve Cautionary Urban Tales
On the Precious Work of Brinda Somaya
José Miguel de Prada Poole and the Perishable Architecture of Soap Bubbles
En-Medio: Súper Servicio Lomas
A Career in Five Projects: Carlos Ferrater
La Ricarda: A Work in Progress
At Home with the Collective
Will We, Chicago?
The Super Roof Turns 50
Sainsbury Wing: Objection from Denise Scott Brown
Chicago School Closures: Ten Years Later
Threatened, Altered, and Demolished: Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates’ Built Work at Risk
House of the Architect
Griot, Storytelling, and the Manipulation of History
Hanover and Over Again!
Changing Narratives and Confronting History Through Two Chicago Monuments: The Christopher Columbus Memorial and the Chicago Torture Justice Memorial
Unnamed Spaces
Drawing the Ring of Steel: A Counter-Monument for Belfast
The Century and Consumers Buildings: Their Complicated Saga and the Precedent They Might Set
Mid-Continent Modern
A Career in Five Projects: Carol Ross Barney
The Culture of Shellfish Harvesters
Departures and Arrivals: From the City of Malleable Concrete to the City of Steel Frame
Architecture Across the Americas: A Look at the Five Finalists of the 2025 Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize