Urban Matrix
Urban Prisons
Exposed Urbanity
The Supurban Project
Vertical Urban Factory
Prostitution, Migration, and Urban Territory
Heels to Safer Urban Cycling
Collective Nesting: Urban Housing Prototype
European Prize for Urban Public Space
Reurbanization of the Nervión River Docks
The Chengzhongcun: Urban Traces of the Village
Revealing Tendencies: Chinese Urbanization & the Floating Population
Visualizing Urban Hidrology: The Design of a Wet Surface
Networked Urbanism: Using Technology to Improve our Cities
A Village by the SEZ: The Dafen Sample of China’s Urbanization
Filter Island
The Big Shift
Bridging the Tracks: Air Rights Development and the Urban Fabric
I am a Japanese Urban Explorer (haikyo) Living in Tokyo
Filter Island
The Big Shift
Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Escuela de Arquitectura y Estudios Urbanos
Case Study #1: Ecoboulevard Vallecas
Spaces for Architectural Discourse and the Unceasing Labor of Blogging
Logistical Ecologies
Negotiating Legality
Posconflicto Laboratory: More and More about Less and Less and Less and Less about More and More
Dead Ringers
Build Simply: South of the Border
Downtown’s Will to Form
Making Policy Public
Notable Realities: Balancing from World to World
Makin’ It
Turning Point One: 1983 Flooding
Bilbao’s Strategic Evolution: The Metamorphosis of the Industrial City
Three Key Organizations: Bilbao Metrópoli 30, BILBAO Ría 2000, and the Bilbao Bizkaia Water Consortium
Layoff Moveon
Publics Works
Architecture Without Idealism (Of A Sort)
More Marina
More of More
Setting Up New Relationships Between City and Nature
Designing Venues
CDF 2011 proposal
Survivor Maracaibo
Places, Not Spaces
Point Clouds
Case Study #1: Nakagin Capsule Tower
Case Study #5: Linked Hybrid Complex
Material Energies
Narrow Streets Los Angeles
What is Your Favorite Public Space?
Race to Build
On the Quickening of History
Invention and Tradition
Second Sun
Suburbia Gone Wild
The Available City
I know I’ve Seen the Master Plan
Futures: Expo Boston ‘76
Radiation and Telecom: Émission
Harlem Time Tracker
An Obituary for the Greek City of Repetition
Two Million Homes for Mexico
We Print Because We Can
One Architect, Three Approaches: Bertrand Goldberg’s Early Experiments with Prefabrication, 1937-1952
Original Copies: Inside China’s Imitation Binge
Utopias in the Gaps
Building Repetition Through History: Motivations And Implications
Surveillance in the News
The Street as Platform
Manifesto for CCTV Filmmakers
Can Architecture Be Ordinary?
Designing for Other Things to Happen
New Deal Utopias
Architecture and the City: Berlin, Tempelhof
Archipelagos of Detritus: The Need for a Theory on Spatial Waste
Room at the Top? Sexism and the Star System in Architecture
Circulating Borders: The BMW Guggenheim Lab
Discussing University Works
Virginia Tech, School of Architecture + Design
A Viewpoint: A Continuous Circuit
ETH Zürich, Faculty of Architecture
Hochhaus in Zürich Leutschenbach
Waseda University, Department of Architecture
Charles Rice: Interior Urbanism
Nina Rappaport: Vertical Urban Factory
Conor O’Shea: Designing Urban Biodiversity
Ecosistema Urbano: Designing Atmospheres for Social Interaction
Nocturnal Landscapes: Urban Flows of Global Metropolises Exhibition Opening
Nocturnal Landscapes: Urban Flows of Global Metropolises / Chicago
Christopher Marcinkoski: Speculative Urbanization and The City That Never Was
Now / Arriving Fall 2023
Modernism as Character: Nathan Eddy
Tracing / Traces: Architecture and the Archive 2021
Medium Matters: Architectural Representation After Construction
Architecture’s Social, Ecological, and Political Agency
Charles Colbert at 100
A Renewed Experimentalism: Exploring Late Modernism
Sancho-Madridejos: The Space Within the Fold
Nighttime as a Unique Territory
Lacol: Cooperative Ecosystems
Domestic Explorations: Ardmore House + Columbus House 1
Block Party
Building Subjects: Ideas on Housing from Chinese Vernacular Architecture
Architectures of Vigilantism
Concentrico: Rethinking Our Built Environment Through Design
Tracing / Traces: Architecture and the Archive 2019
Tracing / Traces: Architecture and the Archive 2022
Cartography and Photography: Revealing Global Metropolises
Tobias Armborst: The Arsenal of Exclusion & Inclusion
Carlos Bedoya: Invisible Geometries
Tracing / Traces: Architecture and the Archive 2018
Alexandra Lange: Preserving Childhood
AGENCY: Undercurrents
Harry Seidler: Modernist
Can we not open our eyes to our own treasures?
Couplings 2018
Jason Reblando: New Deal Utopias
Envisioning New Spatial Organizations
Starship Chicago
John Szot: Mass Market Alternatives
Mass Market Alternatives
Bilbao issue launch in Chicago
Bilbao issue launch in Bilbao
Dingbat 2.0: The Iconic Los Angeles Apartment as Projection of a Metropolis
Couplings 2016
New Aging with Matthias Hollwich and Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko
Photography and Place
Chris Grimley and Mark Pasnik: Heroic
Luftwerk: solarise
Sensing and Sensibility: Politics and Technology in the Contemporary City
Chatter: Architecture Talks Back
A Capsule as a House
The Aesthetic of Transience
Nakagin Capsule Tower: Japanese Metabolist Landmark on the Edge of Destruction
Nocturnal Landscapes: Museo en la Calle
A Lot You Got to Holler
Alison Fisher: The Contextual Megastructure
Our Public Space: Who Owns It, Who Shapes It, and Who Benefits From It
Analog 2011
Inhabiting the Water
Denise Scott Brown: In Other Eyes
Design With Company: Spaces With Stories
Couplings 2023
Engineering Ecosystems: The Mississippi River Watershed and its Infrastructure
Starship Chicago II Premiere
Starship Chicago II
Tracing / Traces: Architecture and the Archive 2023
Contemporary Spanish Architecture Practices: BEAR and HANGHAR
Watershed Architecture
Mauricio Rocha: A Lot With Little
Marta Maccaglia: A Lot With Little
Naomi Pollock: The Japanese House Since 1945 | Schweikher House
Outpost Office: Public Utilities
Welcome to Tribuneville: An Imaginary Vision of an Old Chicago That Could Have Been
Tracing / Traces: Architecture and the Archive 2024
Klaus: Welcome to Tribuneville
Exploring Architecture’s Response to Societal Changes
Félix Candela from Mexico City to Chicago
Robin Hood Gardens
Beyond Closure | Chicago
John Portman: A Life of Building
Beyond Closure | Minneapolis
Twelve Cautionary Urban Tales
Urban Exploration as Creative Practice
Present Futures: Mechanics of Ethnocratic Colonial Urbanism
Urban Archaeology: Lost Buildings of St. Louis
The Englewood Nature Trail: Urban Morphology and Community
Without Michael
In Context: Brendan Crain
Paul Chemetov (1928–2024)
From the Mississippi Watershed
This is not the Huarte House
Helmut Jahn (1940-2021)
Studio: Architecture’s Offering to Academe
Only Girl Architect Lonely
Cooperative Housing as a Means More Than an End
An Industrial Legacy Worth Saving
Contributions of the Basque Exile to Mexican Architecture
Template for a Cooperative Network of Small Architecture Practices
Converging at Architecture: An Interview with Jeanne Gang
Access for All: São Paulo’s Architectural Infrastructures
Chilean House: Domestic Images
On the Precious Work of Brinda Somaya
Southern Exposure: The Overlooked Architecture of Chicago’s South Side
José Miguel de Prada Poole and the Perishable Architecture of Soap Bubbles
Groundscraper City: Touring the Subterranean Structures of Minneapolis-St. Paul 1978–1983
Liminal Frontier: Climate Adaptation and the American Coast
Atlantic City
Spontaneous Uses
A Career in Five Projects: Carlos Ferrater
La Ricarda: A Work in Progress
At Home with the Collective
Madrid Diversa: Five Perspectives on the City Through Maps, Photographs, and Sounds
Will We, Chicago?
Seeing Richard Nickel
1 + 1 > 2: Letter to Biljana, Notes to Frida
Chicago School Closures: Ten Years Later
Threatened, Altered, and Demolished: Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates’ Built Work at Risk
Baxter International and Corporate Campus Architecture: Chicagoland’s Technological Architecture Under Threat
Seeking Zohn
From Resources to Rubble: Evaluating Chicago’s Demolition Delay Ordinance in its Twentieth Year
House of the Architect
Beyond the Landmarks: A Personal Look at Columbus, Indiana
Art at the James R. Thompson Center
Gertrude Lempp Kerbis: A Career of Determination, Problem Solving, and Proactivity
Mundo Mendo Goes to Seoul: The World of Luis Mendo on Display
Outside the Box: Modern and Contemporary Houses in Riverside
Hanover and Over Again!
Five Bay Landscapes: Saginaw Bay
Unnamed Spaces
Drawing the Ring of Steel: A Counter-Monument for Belfast
The Century and Consumers Buildings: Their Complicated Saga and the Precedent They Might Set
Sentinels: Iron Portals of Chicagoland
The Birds, the Couple, and My Doppelgänger in Reverse
The Japanese House Inside and Out
Mid-Continent Modern
A Career in Five Projects: Carol Ross Barney
The Return of Michigan Central Station: Interrogating Nostalgia
A Cor-Ten Steel Landmark Hiding in Plain Sight
As the Whole World Watched: Protest, Action, and Violence in Chicago during the 1968 Democratic National Convention
Edgar Miller: Anti-Modern
Building Culture: An Interview with Denise Scott Brown
A History of Preservation in Chicago
Departures and Arrivals: From the City of Malleable Concrete to the City of Steel Frame
Field Theory Under Threat: The Uncertain Future of Walter Netsch’s Louis Jefferson Long Library at Wells College
Exploring the Specificities of Place, from Panama to Oxford
Permastone and Formstone: Modern Marvels or the Margarine of Architecture
Florence Scala: The Joan of Arc of Chicago’s Near West Side
Architecture Across the Americas: A Look at the Five Finalists of the 2025 Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize
Chicagoland on Wheels: Roller Skating from the 1880s to the Present
From Utility to Art: The History of 1544 North Sedgwick Street
Vertical Urban Factory in Toronto
MAS Context at the 2019 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism
MAS Context Featured in Polis
MAS Context 2021 Year in Review
Centre régional de la photographie Hauts-de-France acquires Nocturnal Landscapes
MAS Context and the 2021 Chicago Architecture Biennial
Nocturnal Landscapes receives ICUB grant
MAS Context 2019 Fall Talks
Repositioning the historic Schweikher House
MAS Context contributors featured in the 2015 Chicago Architecture Biennial
MAS Context partners with the 2015 Chicago Architecture Biennial
Tour of Chatter: Architecture Talks Back
Ordinary Cover
MAS Context Boundary Featured on ArchDaily
MAS Context featured in Architecture NZ
Communication reviewed by Archidose
MAS Context 2022 Fall Talks
“Radical Logic: On the Work of Ensamble Studio” opens in Milwaukee
MAS Context supports Design With Company’s installation during Concéntrico 09
“1972/ Nagakin Capsule Tower” opens in Milwaukee
MAS Context 2023 Fall Talks

MAS Context 2023 Year in Review
MAS Context supports Outpost Office’s installation during Concéntrico 10
Public Services by Outpost Office to remain in Logroño
MAS Context donates Robert L. Wesley’s oral history to The Art Institute of Chicago
MAS Context 2024 Fall Talks

MAS Context 2024 Year in Review

Urban-Think Tank


Ecosistema Urbano

PORT Urbanism

Hinterlands Urbanism and Landscape

Center for Urban Pedagogy (CUP)

Jiang Jun

Ljubica Slavković

Christian Dimmer

Christoph Rupprecht

Joseph Altshuler

Shawhin Roudbari

Emanuel Admassu

Design With Company

Sam Jacob

Stewart Hicks


John McMorrough

Julia McMorrough


Nathan Eddy

Gregory Delaney

Antonio Petrov

Fred Scharmen

Rula Zuhour

Mark Pasnik

Tami Banh

Future Firm

VAPAA Collective

Ashley Bigham

Mimi Zeiger

Chris Grimley

Emily Bills

Gabrielle Esperdy

Jana McCann

Ciro Miguel

Joanne Preston

Jason Griffiths

Atelier Mey

Will Straw

Cristina Gamboa

Quilian Riano

Lee Bey

Kwong Von Glinow

De Peter Yi

Nancy P. Lin

Andres L. Hernandez

Anna & Eugeni Bach

Derek Hoeferlin

Killian Doherty

Danny Hoffman

Kelly Bair

Gia Biagi

Judith K. De Jong

Clive Wilkinson

300.000 Km/s

Tobias Armborst

Verity-Jane Keefe

Paola Aguirre

Sarah Dunn

Ellen Grimes

Geoff Goldberg

Alexandra Lange


MAS Context

Noritaka Minami

Terry Evans

Luis Ulacia

Jim Misener

Ashley Ryann

Charles Rice

Michel Rojkind

MarySue Barrett

Thomas Hussey

David Hays

Matthew Messner

Thurman Grant

Christopher Marcinkoski

Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko

Jeanne Gang

Geoff Manaugh

Nina Rappaport

Javier Arbona

Laura Forlano

Douglas Pancoast

Michael Kubo

Christopher Baker

David Yoon

Deborah Richmond

Alison Fisher

Molly Wright Steenson

Bruce G. Moffat

Patxi Eguíluz

Carlos Copertone

Denise Scott Brown

Ethel Baraona Pohl

Leo Berk

Juan Ignacio del Cueto Ruiz-Funes

Samer Sharif

Daniel Talesnik

Matīss Groskaufmanis

Abilio Guerra

Amarí Peliowski

Kathryn Clarke Albright

Brinda Somaya

Rami el Samahy


Lauro Rocha

Chat Travieso

García de la Torre Arquitectos

Elena Martínez-Litago

Ibon Areso

Carolina González Vives

Maria Moreno-Carranco

Michael Chen

Andrew Dribin


Diana Balmori

Juan Sádaba

José Luis Burgos

Juan Luis de las Rivas

Ruth Mayoral López


Xavi Ayala

Mateu Baylina

Sharon Haar

Maya Brittain

Steven Holl Architects

WORK Architecture Company

Eduard Bru

Edward Emile Richardson


Yu Haibo

Thomas Hillier


Alex Lehnerer

Peter Eisenman

José María Ezquiaga

Candy Chang

André Corrêa

Brendan Crain


David Brown

Santiago Cirugeda

Conor O’Shea


Ariadna Cantis

Michael Hirschbichler


Jonathan Wong

Lorenz Bürgi

Carl H. Nightingale

Interboro Partners

Dennis Milam

Ali Fard

Luís Santiago Baptista

Evangelina Guerra Luján

David Karle

Jordan Geiger

Kristine Samson

Frank Thiel

Dennis Maher

Clara Olóriz Sanjuán

Andrea Alberghini

Roberto Soundy

Neyran Turan

Panos Dragonas

Carmen López Albert

Lyndon Valicenti

Dan Hill

Henrietta Williams


Christo de Klerk

Baozhen Li

Deborah Fausch

Michal Ojrzanowski

Rojkind Arquitectos

3D Design Studio



Landon Bone Baker Architects

Chris Bennett

Alexander Eisenschmidt

Aisling O’Carroll

Fabrizio Gallanti

Michelle Ha Tucker


Emily Louise Allen

Leandro Couto de Almeida

Julio Brenes

Patricia Saldaña Natke

Ralph Johnson

Ken Tadashi Oshima

Max Kuo

Sam Holleran

Ross Wolfe

Diego Arraigada

Suzanne Strum

Brian McGrath

Ana Amado

Elizabeth Greenspan

Brian Vitale

Abigail Chang

Dawveed Scully

David Salkin

Iñigo Berasategui

Ane Arce

Jackie Koo

Tapio Snellman

Kotchakorn Voraakhom

Marta Maccaglia

Pedro Kok

Jeffery S. Poss

Robert Bruegmann

Zach Mortice

Ben Shulman

Meredith Miller

Koray Duman

Colectivo C733

Eskew Dumez Ripple